Clark Atlanta University
- Member of the University Senate (Spring 2024)
Mercer University
- Member of the Faculty Welfare Committee (Fall 2011 - Spring 2015)
- Member of the Women's and Gender Studies Executive Committee (Fall 2011-Fall 2013)
- Member of the Faculty Development Committee (Fall 2007-Spring 2011)
Outside Committees:
- Director of the Spanish play The House of Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca, opened for the whole Mercer community during the celebration of Women History Month. March 28, 2013. Macon, Georgia.

- Support faculty helping to design the Integrated Course INT 101 that will replace the existing First Year Seminar FYS 101 starting fall 2012.
- Member of the group charged with designing curriculum around the theme “Human Rights and Social Justice” as part of the initiative for a new curricular model for the General Education requirements in the College of Liberal Arts at Mercer University. (Fall 2009).
- Participant in the “Real Women, Real Curves Fashion Show” organized by the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance, the Women’s and Gender Studies Department and Greek sororities on campus. The purpose was to bring greater awareness to issues involving the female body and the media. March 04, 2009. Macon, Georgia.

Clark Atlanta University
- Dissertation Director (Spring 2021 - Spring 2024)
- Member of the Departmental Tenure and Promotion Committee (Fall 2023)
- Redesign the whole degree program for the Spanish division. (Fall 2022 - Fall 2023)
- Chair of the Search Committee (August 2018 – March 2019)
- Chair of the Departmental Tenure and Promotion Committee (Fall 2018)
- Placement Exam Administrator – Spanish, French, and Arabic (January 2016 to present)
- Spanish major adviser (January 2016 to present)
- Coordinator of the Spanish Program. (August 2015 to present)
Mercer University
- Director of the Spanish Division within the Foreign Languages and Literatures Department at Mercer University. (September 2013 to August 2014).
- Spanish major adviser. (August 2009 to July 2015).
- Coordinator of the Hispanic Movie Night for fall 2013.
- Coordinator of the Women’s and Gender Studies Movie Night for spring 2013.
- Co-organizer of the summer 2012 study abroad program to Seville, Spain. (May 21 – June 20).
- Co-organizer of the summer 2010 study abroad program to Costa Rica planned for May 19 to June 19 but canceled due to economic reasons.
- Web Master of the Official Site of the Foreign Languages and Literatures Department at Mercer University. (Spring 2008 to Summer 2015).
- Co-organizer of the summer 2008 study abroad program to Costa Rica. (May 14 – June 14).
- Co-reviser of curricular changes for CON 101: Survey of European Literature from the Medieval Period to the Enlightenment, and CON 102: Survey of European Literature: 19th and 20th Centuries to be replaced by WLT 101: World Literature in Translation, with various subtitles. Mercer University. (Fall 2006).
- Co-reviser of curricular changes for SPN 315: Hispanic Culture and Civilization to be replaced by SPN 313: Culture and Civilization of Spain, and SPN 314: Culture and Civilization of Latin America. Mercer University. (Fall 2006).
The University of Arizona
- Assistant to the Director of Basic Languages of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. The University of Arizona. (Spring 2002 to Fall 2004).
- Research Assistant for Dr. Malcolm Compitello during Summer Session I, 2004.
- Co-organizer of the 15th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. Tucson, Arizona. (February 2005).
- Graduate Students Representative. (2003-2004).
- Recruiter for the study abroad program in Segovia, Spain through the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at The University of Arizona. Spring 2005.
- Member of the Board of “Friends of Tattnall Square Park,” group dedicated to care and preserve this historical park. Macon, GA.

- Editor of the “Bibb County School District Student Guidelines for Success (2011-2012 Student Code of Conduct)” translation from English to Spanish by Christina Vásquez as an honor project under the direction of Dr. Fernando Palacios.
- Spanish teacher of 2 to 4 year-old preschoolers at Vineville Baptist Morning School. I design the material for these classes. The curriculum followed in Spanish matches the one established in English by the director of the center, Laura Terry. (August 2010 – May 2012). Macon, Georgia.

- Interviewee on “Beall’s Hill Part I” as part of the “A Closer Look TV Show” on Chanel 14 conducted by Dr. Chester Fontenot. (June 2010)
- Participant of Historic Macon’s Living History Map project intended to inform the general public about the assets within the historic district of Macon. My interview can be found on the “People” section of their website. (May 2010)
- Translator from English to Spanish of security video text for the Reeves Construction Company, through The Brainstorm Lab. (July 2010) Macon, Georgia.
- Web Master of the Official Site of the Beall’s Hill Neighborhood. (June 2010 to the present). Macon, Georgia.
- Member of the College Hill Corridor Commission as representative of the Beall’s Hill Neighborhood Association. (2008 to 2015)

- Active member of the Beall’s Hill Neighborhood Association. (2006 to 2015). Macon, Georgia.
- Evaluator of the Spanish Proficiency Exam, the state of Arizona’s exam for teachers who apply for a bilingual license. (Spring 2006)
- Editor of textbooks for Oxford University Press, Cengage Learning, and Bedford/St. Martin's.
- Chair of the regular session 151: “Female Hispanic Authors and the New Medias” at 85th Annual Convention of South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA). Special Focus: Cultures, Context, Images, Text: Making Meaning in Print, Digital, and Networked Worlds. November 8-10, 2013. Atlanta, Georgia.
- Secretary of the regular session: “Women Writers of Spain and Latin America” of the 84th Annual Convention of South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA). Special Focus: Text as Memoir: Tales of Travel, Immigration, and Exile. November 9-11, 2012. Durham, North Carolina.
- Chair of the special session 210: "Film Adaptation of Contemporary Literary Works: Hispanic Contemporary Literature" at the 82nd Annual Convention of Southern Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA). Special Focus: The Interplay of Text and Image. November 5-7, 2010. Atlanta, Georgia.
- Discussion Leader following the reading of the paper "Diversity - A Challenge to the Nordic Care Regime" by Dr. Stina Johansson from Umea University, Sweden. Oxford Round Table. 20th Anniversary: Diversity and the National Interest. March 23-28, 2008. Oxford, England.
- Moderator. Panel 14: Literatura colonial. 16th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. February 16-18, 2006. Tucson, Arizona.
- Moderator. Panel 3: Literatura peninsular contemporánea. 14th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. February 19-21, 2004. Tucson, Arizona.