
El guión cinematográfico y sus pretextos literarios. La obra de Rafael Azcona. Diss. The University of Arizona, 2006. Ann Arbor: UMI, 2006.  

My dissertation studies the artistic evolution of one of Spain’s most distinguished and prolific film scriptwriters, Rafael Azcona, who has had a decisive role in shaping the face of Spanish cinema since the 1950s. My grounding in cultural theory and contemporary Spanish studies allows me to contextualize Azcona’s work and make the case for his consideration as a foundational figure in Spanish cultural production during the Franco dictatorship and after it.

Buero Vallejo, Antonio. El sueño de la razón. Ed. Yosálida C. Rivero-Zaritzky. Stockcero, 2010.

(A Spanish review of my critical edition can be found at: Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes)


  • El guión cinematográfico y sus pretextos literarios. La obra de Rafael Azcona. Diss. The University of Arizona, 2006. UMI, 2006.
  • Silencio y rebelión en el teatro histórico de Antonio Buero Vallejo. Master Thesis. Montclair State University, 2001. 



  • Rev. of Gloria, by Benito Pérez Galdós, Ed. Ignacio Javier López. Hispania 95:2, June 2012, pp. 373-74.
    Rev. of Almodóvar y el melodrama de Hollywood: Historia de una pasión, by Jesús Rodríguez. Hispanic Journal 27: 2, 2006, pp. 147-49.
  • Rev. of En tercera persona. Crónicas teatrales cubanas: 1969-2002, by Rosa Ileana Boudet. Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 9, 2005, pp. 253-54.
  • Rev. of “El ciclo escolar,” short story by Judith Griselda Caballero Navarro. Divergencias. Revista de estudios lingüísticos y literarios 3:2, 2005, pp. 107.



  • "La voz afroespañola en las artes literarias y performativas" I Congreso Internacional y Festival Claroscuros de Estudios Culturales. December 11-15, 2023. Málaga, Spain.

  • “Lucía Asué Mbomio Rubio y su conquista del espacio narrativo.” 81st Annual Convention, College Language Association – Rage, Resiliance, and Response. April 5-8, 2023. Atlanta, Georgia.

  • "Leaving the Cumbé: Afro-Latinas in the U.S., the Representation of Dominican-American Female Writers." 28th NAAAS & Affiliates National Conference. February 17-22, 2020. Dallas, Texas.

  • "Twitteratura: Literatura en 140 caracteres". 46th Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA). April 30 - May 03, 2015. Toronto, Canada.

  • "#SOSVenezuela: Twitter as a Platform for Protest and Activism." Coauthored with Kevin Cummings and Cynthia Gottshall from Mercer University. Popular and American Culture Association in the South (PACS). October 2-4, 2014. New Orleans, Louisiana.

  • Politics in Venezuela: The Current Situation.” International Bears Association's Awareness Week - Mercer University. April 14, 2014.  Macon, Georgia.

  • “Teoría y práctica en la obra de Belén Gache”. Coauthored with Cameron Smith. 85th Annual Convention of South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA). November 8-10, 2013.  Atlanta, Georgia.

  • “Reencuentro y reinvención de la identidad en De cómo las muchachas García perdieron el acento de Julia Álvarez y Cuando era puertorriqueña de Esmeralda Santiago”. 84th Annual Convention of South Atlantic Modern  Language Association (SAMLA). November 9-11, 2012. Durham, North  Carolina.

  • “La música de contenido social y el videoclip, el caso de 'Latinoamérica' de  Calle 13". VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Hispánica de Humanidades (AHH). El bicentenario de la independencia  iberoamericana y de la Constitución de Cadiz. June 28-30, 2012. Madrid,  Spain.

  • “Luces y sombras, relaciones duales en El Sur de Adelaida García Morales y su versión cinematográfica por Víctor Erice”. 8nd Annual Convention of South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA). Special  Focus: The  Interplay of Text and Image. November 5-7, 2010. Atlanta Georgia.

  • “Nuevo cine mexicano con un Hollywood Touch." 33rd Annual Colloquium on  Literature and Film. The Global and the Local in Contemporary Literature and Film. October 8-10, 2009. Morgantown, West Virginia.

  • “Cultural Identities: Considering the Hispanic Case in Diaspora.” Oxford Round Table 20th Anniversary: Diversity and the National Interest. March 23-28, 2008. Oxford, England.

  • “Almodóvar Returns in Volver.” Reel to Real – MAGA Film Lecture Series. The Capitol Theatre March 02, 2008. Macon, Georgia.

  • "MalquHeridas: Una vista al maltrato de la mujer española en la literatura, la música y el cine”. 31st Annual Colloquium on Literature and Film. Stage and Screen Today. October 4-6, 2007. Morgantown, West Virginia.

  • “El guión cinematográfico y sus pre-textos literarios. La obra de Rafael Azcona”. Public Dissertation Defense. May 4, 2006. Tucson, Arizona.

  •  “El verdugo. Crítica y camuflaje durante la dictadura de Franco”. 16th Annual  Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian  Literature, Language and Culture. February 16-18, 2006. Tucson, Arizona.

  • El verdugo. Critique and Camouflage during Franco’s Dictatorship.” On  campus visit during hiring process. Mercer University. January 23, 2006. Macon, Georgia.

  • Corona de sombra una lectura de la historia”. 14th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. February 19-21 2004. Tucson, Arizona.

  • “Neobarroco postmoderno en dos películas del cine español: Éxtasis Abre los ojos”. 29th Congreso Anual de Literaturas Hispánicas: "Teatro y Ficción" at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. October 17-18 2003. Indiana,  Pennsylvania.

  • Obabakoak , búsqueda de la literatura vasca”. 13th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. February 13-15 2003. Tucson, Arizona.

  • “Texto e imagen en El sueño de la razón”. Estreno Symposium. April 18-20, 2002. Ohio, Delaware.

  • Nuestra Señora de las Nubes, drama poético sobre el exilio”. 12th  Annual  Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian  Literature, Language and Culture. February 2002. Tucson, Arizona.

  • “La mujer y el tema del amor en Cien años de soledad”. Thirty-second Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA). March 30-31 2001. Hartford, Connecticut.


  • 91st Annual Convention of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA). Special Focus: Languages: Power, Identity, Relationships. November 15-17, 2019. Atlanta, GA.
  • 83rd Annual Convention of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA). Special Focus: The Power of Poetry in the Modern World. November 4-6, 2011. Atlanta, GA.
  • 81st Annual Convention of South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA). Special Focus: Human Rights and the Humanities. November 6-8, 2009. Atlanta Georgia.
  • S.T.O.P. Sex Trafficking Opposition Project. March 19-20, 2009. Mercer University. Macon, GA.
  • 15th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. February 17-19, 2005. Tucson, Arizona.


Explanation of project using interactive elements in a ebook format. 

Available in iBooks Library for free. April, 2017.

Some considerations of reading and learning in the digital era exploring the possibilities of ebooks. 

Available in iBooks Library for free. April, 2017.

Videolit. "Mariposa de otoño" Pablo Neruda. March 26, 2017.

​“Monólogo sinfónico en Fa mayor y medio tono sostenido”. Divergencias. Revista de estudios lingüísticos y literarios 4:1 (2006): 75-80.  Print.



Founder, Editor, and Chief Manager of the publishing house Editorial Magnus Opus LLC.

        I have edited and published:

        COLECCIÓN ESTUDIOS ACADÉMICOS: (Academic Studies Collection)

  1. La mujer marginada en la literatura mexicana. La obra de Francisco Rojas González by Dr. Luz Elena Rodríguez Hernández. October 08, 2024.
    ISBN 979-8-89587-088-4 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89587-092-1 (Digital)
    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024920972.


  • Reviewer of the manuscript Introduction to Gender Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Melissa J. Gillis and Andrew T. Jacob. Oxford University Press.
  • Reviewer of the current 3rd edition of The Film Experience by Timothy Corrigan and Patricia White. Bedford/St. Martin’s.


  • Reviewer of the textbook Panoramas literarios: España. 2nd Edition by Beverly Kienzle et al. Cengage Learning.
  • Reader and copy editor of Judith Griselda Caballero Navarro’s doctorate dissertation, “De las bambalinas al tablado: La presencia de las madres en la comedia del Siglo de Oro,” defended on December 10, 2010 at The University of Arizona, Tucson.
  • Reviewer of beginner Spanish texts for McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
  • Editorial Assistant, Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies
                   Volume 14, 2010.
                   Volume 11, 2007.
                   Volume 8, 2004.
                   Volume 7, 2003.
                   Volume 6, 2002.


  • Production Editor, Selected Proceedings of 16th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. Tucson, Arizona.


                Volume 2.2 (Fall 2004)
                Volume 2.1 (Spring 2004)
                Volume 1 (Fall 2003) 


  • Tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor at Mercer University announced on April 20th, 2012.

  • Reassignment of teaching hours in exchange for scholarship during the fall 2011.

  • Nominee for the Delegate Assembly of the MLA to represent Region 5 (South). (February 24, 2011)

  • Graduate Registration Scholarship, The University of Arizona, Fall 2005 – Spring 2006.

  • Teaching Load Reduction due to Dissertation Research, Spring 2005 – Summer 2005.

  • Graduate College Fellowship, Fall 2004 – Spring 2005.

  • Graduate Registration Scholarship, The University of Arizona, Fall 2004 – Spring 2005.

  • Graduate College Fellowship, Fall 2003 – Spring 2004.

  • Graduate Registration Scholarship, The University of Arizona, Fall 2003 – Spring 2004.

  • Outstanding Graduate Associate in Teaching. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. University of Arizona. May 2003.

  • Graduate Registration Scholarship, The University of Arizona, Fall 2002 – Spring 2003.

  • Outstanding Graduate Assistant. Department of Spanish and Italian. Montclair State University. May 2001.

  • Graduate Registration Scholarship, Montclair State University, Fall 2000 – Spring 2001.

  • Outstanding Graduate Assistant. Department of Spanish and Italian. Montclair State University. May 2000.

  • Graduate Registration Scholarship, Montclair State University, Fall 1999 – Spring 2000.


    Modern Language Association (MLA). My Divisions and Discussion Groups:

    • 20th-Century Latin American Literature

    • 20th-Century Spanish Literature

    • Computer Studies in Language and Literature

    • Folklore and Literature

    • Literature and Other Arts

    • Media and Literature

    • The Teaching of Literature

    • Women’s Studies in Language and Literature

      South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA). 

      The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP).

      Asociación Hispánica de Humanidades (AHH).

      Sociedad Nacional Hispánica, Sigma Delta Pi, Capítulo Delta Chi.